
Discover the day-to-day experiences, challenges, and joys of life in the skies. From managing personal relationships to navigating unique career hurdles, gain a genuine insight into this dynamic profession.

Daily Life & Work Routine

flight attendant life

Flight Attendants are often viewed with this kind of wonder. What is their life really …
airplane window view

There are so many benefits that come with being a flight attendant, it was hard …
flight attendant schedules

In this article, discover the essentials of Flight Attendant schedules: their workdays, layover logistics, and …
Crash Pads for Flight Attendants, Pilots & Airline Staff

If you are new to the airline industry, you may have overheard crew members talking …
flight attendant going home

The life of a flight attendant may appear glamorous – a reputation that it has …
FAQ being Flight Attendant

People make assumptions all the time. Most of the time they are wrong. I got …
A Day in the Life of a Southwest Flight Attendant

When most people say, ‘good morning’, they usually mean that in reference to the hours …
flight attendant hotels

Being a flight attendant is an amazing opportunity to travel the world: Imagine landing in …
red eye flight cabin

I know, I know. I must be crazy, but it’s true! I love working red …
where do flight attendants live

When Flight Attendants aren’t sleeping in a hotel where do they go? Well home… Where …

Career Challenges & Insights

las vegas

There are some cities flight attendants hate working flights to and they’re probably not the …
too old to become flight attendant

Have you been thinking about ditching your current career to become a flight attendant? But …
flight attendant and dog

Having a pet is an amazing privilege. It is also a huge responsibility and, as …
flight attendant watching phone

Being on reserve can be both a rewarding adventure and an exhausting test of your …
Things I’ll Never Miss About Being a Flight Attendant

I used to be a flight attendant for American Airlines and even though I sometimes …
Flight Attendants Are Required to Do Unpaid Labor

It sounds like it should be illegal, but it’s true, flight attendants are often required …

As a flight attendant, I receive loads of questions about the job. People are curious …

I don’t know about you, but I have baby fever, and so do many of …
shy flight attendant

The short answer to this question is: YES.  An introvert or a shy person can …

Personal Life & Relationships

flight attendant mom

Becoming a flight attendant is not just a career choice, but also a lifestyle choice! …
dating a flight attendant

Okay, gentleman, firstly the bad news: dating a flight attendant can be difficult, unpredictable and …
things that annoy flight attendants

As air travel becomes a more readily available form of transportation, the general public is …
Do Flight Attendants And Pilots Hook Up?

Have you ever looked around on a flight and wondered if there’s more to the …
flght attedants auto completion questions

Google has a very fancy feature where it auto-completes your query based on what other …
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