Insights and Tips

Get a sneak peek behind the scenes, practical advice for aspiring attendants, and in-depth career insights to fully grasp this dynamic profession.


flight attendant tights

An important part of being a flight attendant is the correct wearing of the uniform …
flight attendant books

As a flight attendant here I have listed my top 15 books you must read. …
shoes for flight attendants

One of the most beautiful things about a flight attending career is that it is …
pilot movies

The airline industry can sometimes feel like it’s shrouded in mystery! Between the secret, allegedly …
flight attendant meal prep ideas

In my country, Spain, we have a saying: “De la panza sale la danza”, which …

Career Insights

flight attendant side jobs

If I want a side job as a flight attendant, what would be some options? …
male flight attendant

When most people think of flight attendants, they usually picture smiling women in skirts and …
flight attendant tattoo

Showing off tattoos at work is becoming pretty common as Millennials take over the professional …
cabin crew attending a little girl

Exploring the qualities essential for a cabin crew member? Being a flight attendant requires a …
Jobs for Former Flight Attendants

Flying is a dream job for so many people who become flight attendants, but some …
felony flight attendant

Would you like to work as a flight attendant but are worried that your criminal …
pilot hat in cockpit

Are you a cabin crew member ready for a new challenge? Wondering if you have …
how hard is it to become a flight attendant

The short answer to that question? It’s hard, very hard. But without the tips and …

Have you ever heard someone introduce themselves on the intercom as your “purser for this …
Factors That Disqualify Flight Attendants

A Flight Attendant career can be extremely rewarding, but it can be extremely competitive. All …

As a flight attendant, I receive loads of questions about the job. People are curious …
Can You Be a Part Time Flight Attendant

There are plenty of reasons why you might want to become a flight attendant, but …
too old to become flight attendant

Have you been thinking about ditching your current career to become a flight attendant? But …
flight attendants hours

Flight attendant work hours are definitely not nine to five. Go to work in the …
flight attendants pros & cons

If you’re thinking about applying to become a flight attendant, then you’ve come to the …
person on a scale

You have always wanted to be a Flight Attendant, it’s your dream job, your goal …
become a flight purser

Within the flight attendant profession, there aren’t many opportunities to “climb the ladder,” the way …

Corporate Flight Attendant

corporate flight attedant

So you have decided to take the next step into your aviation career and you are thinking into transitioning into corporate flying? Great decision! Today my friend Maya M., a …
corporate flight attendant

Working as a corporate flight attendant appears on the surface to be a very easy …
corporate flight attendant training

If you are thinking about becoming a corporate flight attendant, proper training will give you …
corporate flight attendant

One of the joys of working in aviation and flying the skies is the sense …
pros and cons corporte fflight attendant

Corporate flight attendants – cabin crews with glamour, right? Perhaps. The corporate flight attendant job …
commercial vs corporate flight attendant

I was on my first job as a flight attendant with a low-cost airline when …

Training and Development

line indoctrination

Never before have I flown 3 separate flights on the same day. Of course, that …
evacuation drills

Today was the big day! It was the day when we got on the aircraft …
pool drills

Today we hit the pools! I wasn’t sure what to expect, all I knew of …
medical emergencies

What Happens During a Medical Emergency on a Plane? Who’s going to help if a …

Flight Attendant Stories

flight attendant stories

One of the reasons why I love this job is that every day is different. I not only visit different places all the time but work with different crew members …
What Your Favorite Drink Says About You

Flight attendants can tell a lot about a passenger from their preferred in-flight beverage. Any …
Passenger Habits Flight Attendants Secretly Judge

Passengers have tons of weird habits, and yes, your flight attendants are secretly judging you …
Passenger Types You’ll Find on a Plane

It takes all kinds of passengers to make the world go round, ranging from nice, …
Craziest Things I’ve Seen on a Plane

“What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen?” This question is posed to flight attendants almost daily. …
Most Iconic Flight Attendant Uniforms of All Time

Flight attendants have long been viewed as glamorous and fashionable and many of our uniforms …
annoyed flight attendant

Passengers do so, so many things that flight attendants wish they just wouldn’t. Granted, most …
unfair flight attendant requirements

Did you know that some airlines have some pretty absurd and unfair requirements for the …
red eye flight cabin

I know, I know. I must be crazy, but it’s true! I love working red …
things that annoy flight attendants

As air travel becomes a more readily available form of transportation, the general public is …
pouring diet coke in a plane

Since I’ve been receiving so much attention lately for my video on how I pour …
pouring diet coke in a airplane

Update/Disclaimer : An article was recently posted on The Telegraph about “things that annoy flight …
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