13 Things Flight Attendants Wish You Would Stop Doing

flight attendants wish you would stop doing

Passengers do so, so many things that flight attendants wish they just wouldn’t.

Granted, most passengers are also probably completely unaware of the things they’re doing to drive us absolutely bananas. So, here is a list of all the things flight attendants wish you would stop doing on flights.

Hopefully, you aren’t guilty of the things in this list. 😇

1. Invading the Galley

Passengers do tons of annoying things in the galley, where they happen to be invading our working space and crowding us out of the only place we have to ourselves. I’ve broken down the most annoying types of galley-invaders for you here.

➡️ The Hoverer

Most of the time, flight attendants don’t have a chance to eat between flights, so we tend to scarf down food between services while sitting in the galley.

That brings me to the first type of annoying galley invader. The “hoverer.” The hoverers come into the galley, see that we are eating, and choose to just stand over us while we’re sitting on the jumpseat and stare at us.

They don’t ask for anything, and most of the time they don’t speak. They just stand inches away from us and look down at us while we try to eat or do our crossword puzzle.

It’s creepy! Don’t do it!

➡️ The In-Flight Yogi

The second annoying type of galley invader is the in-flight yogis, who come into the galley and start using our work space as their own personal stretching area.

They start by taking up as much space as possible, then they put their feet all over our working surfaces, from our jumpseat to the counter tops. Yes, where we prepare the food. Yuck!

I promise you don’t need to do galley gymnastics to avoid getting a blood clot or something, so please stop!

➡️ The Interviewer

Similar to the Hoverer, the “interviewer” always strikes while we are trying to chew, and they pester us with questions like, “so does the airline pay for your hotel?” or “what’s the grossest thing you’ve seen on a plane?”

(I have wanted to answer, “your face” to the latter several times, but I liked my job too much).

If you see a flight attendant eating, don’t try to start a conversation, that’s just rude!

2. Giving us trash at inappropriate times

Flight attendants come through the cabin pretty often with trash bags, and when we do, we are wearing gloves. If you are trying to give us trash any other time, it’s probably an inappropriate time to do so.

Here are some examples of inappropriate time to give flight attendants trash:

  • While we are eating
  • When we are not wearing gloves
  • When we do not have a trash bag
  • While we are attending to a medical emergency
  • During the final cabin check
  • During an emergency evacuation (I wouldn’t be surprised by this in the least).

Bonus: It is never a good time to hand flight attendants soiled diapers, bags of vomit, or other disposable items that have come into contact with your bodily fluids… 

3. Keeping your headphones on when we’re talking to you

I hated it when passengers would leave their noise-cancelling headphones on while I was trying to ask them what they wanted to drink.

Sometimes they wouldn’t even notice I was talking to them until I had given up and moved onto the row behind them, only to have them ring the call bell and angrily insist I had “skipped” them. Or they’d repeatedly shout “what?” because they obviously couldn’t hear me over whatever was playing in their ears. Big eye roll.

4. Asking if you will make your connection

The second a flight gets delayed, passengers will inevitably start asking us if they’re going to make their connection and most of the time, we have no way of answering that question.

We have no way of knowing how long the delay will last or what will happen once we’ve taken off. Because, who knows, we might end up having to divert to an entirely different city!

The point is, your flight attendants don’t know, and we can’t change the situation anyway, so you might as well just relax and deal with whatever happens when it actually happens.

5. Making a scene about stowing your designer bag

The number of times a woman dressed in some kind of matching tracksuit has whined, “but it’s a Louis Vuitton” in response to me asking her to stow her bag is triggering.

I’m sorry, but if you can’t handle putting your fancy purse into the overhead bin, or under the seat in front of you, do bring it on a plane! It’s really that simple.

6. Throwing a tantrum because “your” overhead bin is full

You are not always going to be able to stow your bag directly over your own seat. That is a fact of flying. But for some reason, grown adults feel the need to throw tantrums about this regularly.

Your bag will still be on the plane, even if it is a row or two away. And no, I am not going to move other people’s bags to make sure yours can fit into the bin above you, so don’t bother asking.

7. Threatening to get us fired because we ran out of your favorite meal choice

I once had a woman threaten to get me fired because she couldn’t have the same meal as her neighbor, who had pre-ordered a special vegan meal in advance.

Look, as a vegetarian myself, I know it’s really annoying if the pasta is gone by the time the crew gets to your row, or if a smarter vegetarian happens to pre-order the Asian vegetarian option. (Pro-tip: these are always delicious). But yelling at us and threatening to get us fired for not being “accommodating”, is not going to change the situation.

Also, it’s an entirely avoidable problem because she could also have just pre-ordered the meal she wanted.

8. Standing in the Aisle During Meal or Drink Service

We get it—long flights can be uncomfortable, and sometimes you just need to grab something from your bag or take a quick stretch. But when we’re pushing the drink cart and trying to serve the entire cabin, even one person standing in the aisle can slow things down for everyone.

It’s not just you—there’s often a domino effect where one person sits, and another stands right after. Before we know it, service is delayed, and passengers are wondering why it’s taking so long to get their drink or meal.

If you can, try to time your movements before or after meal service. It helps us keep things running smoothly, and we’ll be back out of the aisle in no time!

9. Trying to Join the Mile-High Club

Oh yes, this one happens more than you’d think. Despite what movies might have you believe, airplane lavatories are not romantic. They’re cramped, smelly, and anything but private. Trust me, the entire cabin (and crew) knows exactly what’s going on when two people disappear into the same lavatory.

Instead of sneaking around, why not enjoy your flight like everyone else? You’ll save yourself the embarrassment and avoid being “that couple” everyone remembers for the wrong reasons.

10. Overindulging in Alcohol

Sure, having a drink to unwind during a flight is fine—we’re not here to judge. But when one drink turns into five, things can get messy fast. Altitude makes alcohol hit harder, which often leads to bad behavior and even medical emergencies.

We’ve seen it all: passengers yelling, refusing to sit down, or making scenes that could easily have been avoided. Know your limits, stay hydrated, and save the party for when you land.

11. Open Overhead Bins While Taxiing

You might think, “What’s the harm in grabbing my bag while we taxi to the gate?” Well, plenty. Bags can shift during flight, and opening the bin while the plane is moving can send things flying—right onto someone’s head.

Plus, it’s against regulations, and the crew is there to ensure everyone’s safety during this phase of the flight. Wait until the plane has come to a complete stop before you reach for your belongings. It’s safer for everyone.

12. Sleeping with Your Feet in the Aisle During Night Flights

We get it—you’re trying to find a comfortable sleeping position on a cramped plane. But sticking your feet out into the aisle is a recipe for disaster. Crew members and other passengers walking by can trip over you in the dark, and it’s not a great experience for either party.

Keep your legs tucked in where they belong. If you really need to stretch, try asking for an aisle seat next time or use one of those nifty travel footrests instead.

13. Ignoring Your Kids’ Behavior

Flying with kids is no small feat, and we totally sympathize. But letting them run up and down the aisles, kick seats, or scream at the top of their lungs isn’t fair to anyone.

We know it’s tough to keep little ones entertained, but there are ways to make it easier. Pack their favorite snacks, games, or movies to keep them occupied. And if they’re too young to understand the rules, try to keep them close and calm to avoid disturbing other passengers. A little effort goes a long way in making the flight smoother for everyone.

Final Thoughts

There are plenty of other things that flight attendants which passengers wouldn’t do, but I hope this list sheds a little light on our pet peeves. And if you happen to be guilty of these, don’t despair! There is still time to change and become the perfect passenger.

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